Getting bowel movement after eating is an annoying problem you may have. I will explain the possible causes of this pooping after meals.
You have an important meeting in the morning. Getting ready wearing the smartest clothes and tie, having breakfast. Everything seems perfect. Suddenly a weird feeling in the stomach. You want to go to the toilet to empty your bowel.

Sound familiar? Many people experience this situation, at least once in their lifetime.
Having a bowel movement after eating is a common occurrence. It may be a normal physiological phenomenon. Sometimes it is associated with bowel-related conditions such as IBS.
When you have a meal, your stomach gets stretched. The nerves in the stomach send signals to your large intestine saying the tummy is full and needs some evacuation. So, muscles in your large bowel contract that causes bowel movements. This action is called gastrocolic reflex.
Urge to poop shortly after a meal is normal. The majority of people are able to resist it. However, you don’t need to resist or postpone the call. After breakfast is a good time to empty your bowels. Many doctors advise this as a treatment for chronic constipation in children.
However, if you get the urge to empty your bowel urgently after every meal, something is wrong. You may have problems in the gastrointestinal system.
Bowel movement after eating my be a sign of IBS
Going to the toilet every time after having a meal may be a sign of irritable bowel syndrome. IBS is a condition that affects the functioning of the bowel. The main symptoms are abdominal pain or discomfort that is often relieved by passing wind or feces.
We don’t know the exact cause of IBS. It’s probably due to many factors, including the nerves in the bowel being more sensitive than usual, abnormal movements in the bowel, chronic inflammation of the bowel and emotional factors.
Constipation alternate with loose motions, bloating, tummy pain and bowel movement after eating are symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.
Other causes of pooping immediately after eating
Bowel movements immediately after eating may be a symptom of Crohn’s disease. It is an inflammatory bowel condition characterized by loose motions, blood in the stools, and abdominal pain.
Eating too much spicy food can cause loose bowel motions. Foods prepared with hot spices such as cayenne or chili peppers contain a substance called capsaicin, which is an irritant to the bowel.
Frequent bowel movements after breakfast can be due to psychological causes. Does your child go to the toilet two or three times in the morning before going to school? Think about some problems at school such as bullying.
Bottom line:
Feeling of tummy upset and urge to pass stools after eating is a common problem. It can be a normal physiological process. However, some digestive disorders can also cause the symptom. Talk to your doctor if it is too frequent or affects your day-to-day activities.